Monday, April 28, 2008

Noah's 11th Birthday!

Sunday, April 27, 2008, we celebrated Noah's 11th Birthday.

Since Noah & Daemon (his cousin) have birthdays one day apart, we celebrated them together this year. Wynnette (my sister-in-law) did a wonderful job putting the party together! It was a "Cowboy" themed party - the kids had fun dressing like cowboys, learning to use a lasso, shooting (squirting) pop cans, horse races, panning for gold, etc.

Opening presents...

Valerie & Lexi


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Got Milk?

We have some new additions to our "herd". We purchased 3 Alpine Dairy Goats on April 23, 2008. Uni (she has one horn) is the mother & she has twins - a doeling & buckling. We will keep the doeling & butcher the buckling. So next year we'll have 2 milking goats :)

Snow in Late April!!??

We awoke Sunday morning, April 20, 2008, to SNOW!! We only got about 2-3 inches. Then it snowed & hailed off and on for the next 3 days... I thought it was spring?

Saturday, April 19, 2008


This past week (April 14-18), Joshua, Valerie & Noah attended TeenPact at the capitol in Salem. They participated in "mock" legislative sessions, wrote bills, memorized scriptures, wrote letters & prayed for their Senators & Representatives, and had A LOT of FUN!
Joshua attended classes M-TH for 6+ hours each day. He had a graduation ceremony on Thursday afternoon. The class qualifies as 1/2 credit of Government towards High School.

Valerie & Noah attended a 6 hour class on Friday.

This year they had the "first ever" Evening Session on Tuesday night. The kids had a fun time of Ultimate Frisbee, food, fellowship, worship & devotions.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Addition!

We awoke this morning to find a new addition to our herd - Thora had a lamb!