Thursday, May 21, 2009

House Blessing Party

On Saturday, May 16, 2009, we had a house party. It was a special time of fun, food and fellowship. We also had a time of prayer & worship thanking God for HIS provision of this house and ALL the details.

The girls played "Apples to Apples"

The boys played outside

Valerie & Aundra



Thank You Miller Family for doing worship!


We finally got our garden all planted on Mother's Day.
Before planting.

After one week!




Bok Choy

Noah's 12th Birthday

Noah turned 12 on April 29th. Uncle Steve, Aunt Michelle and Grandma Driver came to celebrate.

Playing Basketball

Opening Gifts

Noah's Cherry Cake

We also celebrated Michelle's birthday

Baby Animals

We've had many more baby animals born since we've moved.

On April 11th, Eisa had a lamb.

On 4/28 Thora had a preemie lamb & she rejected her, so we've been bottle feeding her. She lived in a dog carrier in the laundry room for the first 2-3 weeks.

Almost 3 weeks later... she's moved out with the goats

On May 4th Spooky had her calf.

2 weeks later...

We also purchased a dozen more layers (Barred Plymoth Rock & White Leghorns), two dozen fryers, and Chukars (a gane-bird related to Partridges).

The layers are ~7 weeks old & the Fryers are ONLY 4 weeks old!! The fryers look bald, because they're getting their feathers.


Stay tuned for more pictures... as we have a goat due in July & another heifer due in November.


The actual move day for the house was March 21st, but we spent many days before & after preparing the pasture/fence for the animals and moving the animals from Lebanon to West Linn. Thank you to the MANY people who helped us before, after & during the move. On the 21st we were blessed with over a dozen helpers & made the move in ONE trip!! Here are a few pictures of our move....
Melody helping us paint at the new house.

Melody & Valerie

Ready to move...
On the side of the freeway in Salem, trailer came unhitched during one of our trips south :S

Relaxing & playing "Apples to Apples"

Loading the trailer on Move Day

Unloading at the new house!

Building beds :-)

Taking a break to "jam"

Disassembling the chicken coop in Lebanon.