Joshua & Valerie will be going on a Missions' Trip with our church, HOFCC, August 23-31, 2008.
“Gleanings for the Hungry” was founded in 1982 by Wally and Norma Wenge, who after having spent time in Thailand on outreach with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), saw the need for fruit there. They remembered all the fruit that goes to waste in the rich produce valley of San Joaquin, and the idea of Gleanings was birthed. “Gleanings for the Hungry” is located in the small agricultural community of Dinuba, California. This community is about 35 miles southeast of Fresno, California. Cull fruit that can't be sold because its too small, has a split pit, or a mark on the skin of peaches and nectarines are donated by fruit packers in the area. The fruit is run through a processing line where it is washed, sorted, pitted, and put on trays. It is then sulfured for 4 hours to preserve the color, sun-dried out in the field, and then packed into 4 gallon plastic buckets to send to the world's hungry. They will be working from 8-5, Monday-Friday, washing, drying & packaging the fruit. You can check out more about Gleanings at:
Please pray that they will be able to raise the money ($140 each), for safe travels, closer devotion with their Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, and for the strength they will need while volunteering at Gleanings.
8 years ago
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