Hello to everyone. I mentioned recently I would keep you up to date on our situation and specifically what is happening in regards to my employment. Since this is not going out via email but rather posted to the blog, I am going to take a bit of time to catch you up on the history of my family, especially for those that do not know what we’ve been through. But first a few thoughts…
So many people suffer greater trials than we have suffered that ours seems to pale in comparison. Be that as it may, we know that different trials come to different people in different times for different reasons and yet God knows what we can handle and how much testing to allow us to pass through. He becomes our strength when we have none, just as Paul proclaimed how when he was weak then he was strong (in Christ) as the power of Christ worked in and through him. The wonderful news is that He is sovereign over all and we need not fear but trust in His goodness. He calls us to trust Him in the storms of life just as He called upon His disciples to trust Him during the storm that threatened to capsize their little boat. He calls us to faith in what seems impossible just as He called Peter to walk to Him on the water, for nothing is impossible with God. He calls us to walk in uprightness and seek His righteousness and kingdom rather than worry about the cares of this life. He promises us a home in heaven with Him even if we lose our earthly dwelling—for He declared that He has no place to rest His head but yet still calls us to follow Him wherever He leads. He promises to never leave us and to always care for us, just as He does for the birds and lilies. And so much more could be said of His great and inexhaustible love and mercy which He showers upon us daily. He is so good that He even cares for those who will never receive His love but continue in unbelief and even hatred toward Him, just as we all once did. But despite all His goodness we still fall into unbelief and sin, worry and fear, doubt and discouragement. Sometimes even to the brink of despair. Yet He remains the same, even as we waver in our faith. During these times of trial it is so easy to forget the goodness He has shown and the perils He has saved us from. And that is where I am once again today—clinging desperately to the hope of the power of God to reveal His purpose in me and my family, to take hold of the calling He has for us, to deliver us from fear and worry, to provide for us when the checkbook balance screams to me “IMPOSSIBLE!” and there seems to be no way out. But how can I continue in fear when He says He is for me and not against me? He cannot lie—so why should I fear? I cannot add one hour to my life or change one hair from black to white but yet He knows all things and upholds all things and sustains all things by the power of His Word and His very nature. He will accomplish all He has planned to do both in the world and in me despite my insignificance in the big picture. Who can know the mind of God in these matters? How often He surprises us by the turn of events that take place! And not to mention the things in life He has spared us from and delivered us from of which we have no knowledge! One day we shall know fully how rich and deep and full and immeasurable and consistent and unwavering is His love towards us who believe and love Him because He first loved us and called us to Himself! To God alone belongs the glory and to this I say “amen”.
I am going to try to be brief. In 2002 I lost my job of 12 years. I spent almost 1 ½ years looking for work and studying to enter a new profession, which in the end came to nothing particularly due to some unscrupulous people whom I had trusted. In June of 2003 I found work and spent the next 6 months preparing to sell our home and move my family south to join me in Eugene, Oregon. My family and I were reunited and lived in the Eugene area for about 1 ½ years until Marcy’s mother passed away 3 years ago today. When she passed Marcy and the kids moved back up to Ridgefield, Washington to be with her dad and help care for the needs there. By pooling our resources we were all able to survive but took on another load of debt because of the financial situation which was left to Marcy’s dad from his wife’s passing. I spent the next 2 ½ years working in Eugene with my family in Washington, where I returned each weekend for several days. I was unable to locate employment in the Washington/Portland area and very strongly felt that several opportunities which may have been possible were simply not right for me. We continued to pray for God’s leading. Circumstances between my father-in-law and his landlord forced us to prepare to move and by the end of 2007 we were situated in Lebanon, Oregon, where we now live and feel that God wants us to be here. A few months after we got here Marcy’s dad joined us and for several months we have all been together again in Lebanon. Now comes the hard part: my company is closing its doors. There has been no official word yet, but the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. Secrecy and rumors abound. Apathy, complacency, fear, worry, even a sense of impending doom—all of the negative feelings one could imagine from such a situation are present and almost more than one could bear. It is very difficult to not fall into the fear and apathy that the world around you is experiencing. It is difficult to come to work knowing that nothing matters and it is only a matter of time before it all comes to a screeching halt. Most likely we have been sold to another company from Korea. There are just too many signs and events which have occurred to consider them as coincidental. There are certain things that happen in the semiconductor industry (of which I am a part) prior to a plant closing and as I said before the pieces are coming together—I’ve been through this before. Especially enlightening was a presentation by the Koreans which was not meant for Americans to see in which the closing of the plant was specifically stated. The only good news we have been able to draw from these things is that a sale of the company is likely and some of us (hopefully) will retain our positions or at least some form of employment.
Several weeks ago a former co-worker contacted me with an opportunity in Hillsboro. After careful consideration and prayer we decided that this was not an option for us. We feel God has placed us here in Lebanon and need to be where we are. The position was never guaranteed but if I were to actually have gotten the job our family would have again been separated. We do not feel this is what God wants for us. I have no doubt in my mind that I could be completely mistaken—I am a human and prone to err—but nevertheless that is how we feel led. But God doesn’t always share His game plan with us but most of the time I would say He simply calls us out to believe in Him and like the hymn says, “trust and obey”. Lean on Him and not our own understanding. Obey as He leads the way. Let His Word be a light to our feet. Step out…in faith.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story. I could probably go on and on in my rambling. I ask for your continued prayers for our family, and for the people in this region who need to hear the gospel, and for those seeking an HOFCC style fellowship—there are people both here in the Albany/Salem area and Eugene/Springfield who are seeking the Lord and interested in what we as a church stand for and are trying to accomplish through the Great Commission Lifestyle. Pray that we could be a blessing and a help to them all and that we too would grow in our faith and obedience, and for the grace of the Lord Jesus to show us the way to go, for right now all I see is uncertainty. Uncertainty not is the Lord’s love and grace which I know will prove abundantly faithful and true, but in the practicality of how in the world would He have us serve Him and for me to provide for my family since it is most likely I will be unemployed by the end of the summer at best. Of course there is the possibility that none of this will happen, but the clues don’t lead one to conclude that scenario. Only the Lord knows just exactly what is in store for my company, Hynix, and for our family. Please pray that God would show us the way in which to walk and for His continued provision.
Rick Driver for the Driver Family
8 years ago
1 comment:
You know, brother, that your whole existence has been one great chain of miracles. From the time that the Lord revealed His Son to you until today, you have been provided for in so many ways.
When you observe the track record of the Almighty and then look to the immediate future, surely you must conclude that He has your best in mind. If the first part has been so secure, and the last part is totally fixed, then here in the intermediate period we should anticipate good from His hand - even when it hurts.
His promise of eternal life began to be in effect for you some time ago. You are more confident of enduring than the earth itself which must yet be refashioned. Some trust in chariots (man's inventions) while others in horses (God's inventions), but we will trust in the name of our God.
Yes, as a mere man it's true that you ought to worry and squirm, wrangling until a scrap of bread should be tossed your way. But as one who has tasted the good gift and benefitted so often from the Lord's baffling providence - you would betray who He is making you to be by fretting now.
That sinking, churning stomach ought to be commanded to hope in God (though it rages on). That forecast of being jobless ought to be informed of the truth that your Father owns everything. Those employees whom you pass by, who are hopeless, ought to be pitied.
One day, we will laugh together over the temporal weaknesses we had to crucify by the power of His promise in this life. Until then, it's on to the business of killing unbelief in all of its manifold forms.
Press on, brother.
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